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I don't want no Shrub in '04
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::..past ramblings..::
2003: January February March April May June July August September October November

2002: August September October November December

[::..List of things to accomplish before Winter holidays..::]
  1. Finish Middle-English poetry transcriptions
    (30 hours worth!)
  2. Buy car alarm/automatic car-starter-upper (bought new clothes instead)
  3. Catch up and finish Rhetorical Criticism readings
  4. Research Revolve for term paper (and somehow manage to NOT rip out all my hair)
  5. Write the damn paper (20 pages)
  6. Make apartment appear somewhat-festive for holidays
  7. Contact Immigration about extending Visa for 1 more year (to June 2005) (I'll apply in March)
  8. NOT freeze to death
  9. Finish leading tutorials for Fall term (last day: December 1st)
  10. Mark last batch of essays (turned in: November 24th)
  11. Shop & make "crafty" gifts for friends and family
  12. Study & take exam for Rhet. Crit.
  13. Pack
  14. FINALLY go home for Christmas 12/14 - 1/6/04
[::..random ruminations..::]
Currently: a lowly, broke, barely employed graduate student in Rhetoric & Communication
and part-time research assistant (or grunt worker)
Day job: Tutorial leader for English 110, professional reader, and part-time Grammar Avenger.
Latest addiction: intrigue
Plans: finishing list
Should be reading/doing: see entirely-too-long list of items
Actually reading: Fire and Ice: The US, Canada, and the Myth of Converging Values by Michael Adams
Feeling: my mood
Commonplace Book
Despised List
My Favorite Things
100 things about me
Differences between US and Canada
[::..link back to me, hoser!..::]
grrrl meets world

[::..extra-curricular reading..::]

Blogroll Me!
Saskatoon weather
Saskatoon happenings
Religious Tolerance.Org
Parents' website
University of Saskatchewan Rhetoric and Communication Program
English 5730: Rhetoric
(a course that changed my life!)
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